Thursday, April 23, 2009


Yesterday, still struggling with my ever present fears, I had this thought:
What if I went to more meetings?

It’s kind of like that, “I could’ve had a V-8” commercial.

Someone had asked me how, in early recovery, I dealt with the ever-present fears then as I was beginning to let go of additions to alcohol and food—and I thought: “Well, I went to a meeting every day, talked about what was going on almost every day, called someone—or several some ones—in the program every day”. What I did in my first three, five and ten years was to use the program...all the tools. And now so many years later I think I have to think my way through my fears and depend on myself to rout these fear related thoughts.

What if I went to more meetings?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am disabled; can't leave the house easily or often; so I spend most of my days in front of my computer. I surf; find sites that are interesting and follow them; I stumbled upon your blogs some time back and have followed your entries. They make interesting reading. From my perspective, i.e., outside looking in.
You dwell in your head. In my condition I have plenty of time to think, and I've always thought of myself as preoccupied with my thoughts. But you seem to imprisoned or paralyzed by your thoughts; can't get away from them.