Friday, November 18, 2011

Out of the Woods--Stories on CD

This week I am listening to a wonderful CD of AA “old-timers” stories. The folks telling their stories feel like true friends on this journey. Here are people with 20, 25, 30 and 40 years of recovery and the growth keeps on coming—but with the new twists that we talk about at “Out of the Woods”.

Some of the AA members telling their experiences with long recovery talk about being an old-timer and sometimes feeling left out in AA; of their need to talk to other people who have ten or 20 years of recovery; of the ways they apply 12 step principles to new situations and different addictions as life changes; how old-timers (in natal years and recovery years) can help younger members and a crucial story about depression and treatment in long sobriety.

Listening to this CD reminded me that we can keep growing even after we have memorized every word of conference-approved literature, and that life gets richer as those messages get deeply embedded in our thinking.

This CD is called: “A Lifetime of AA”. Copyright 2007 and available at

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